

on the shores of Boggy Bayou at Lions Park

Live Music & Entertainment

Celebrate Independence Day with Freedom Fest in Niceville. Come join us for a day of fun and entertainment. Enjoy live music from:

Preston Hoffman

The Tommy Morse Band

Swingtown - A Tribute to Steve Miller

Have some great Barbecue, watermelon slices, or fresh squeezed lemonade. Visit local craft vendors booths. Get your little ones involved with a bounce house, kids’ activities, face painting, carnival games and more!

Fireworks at Dusk

The day of fun and festivities will end with Niceville's fireworks display at dusk, celebrating our nation's independence. Gather with us for a beautiful fireworks display and take part in the unforgettable celebration of freedom.

Supporting Local Charities

The American Legion in Niceville has partnered with "A Bed 4 Me" to receive a portion of the proceeds from this event. This charity works hard to ensure every area child has a comfortable bed, so join us in supporting this incredible cause. Celebrate Independence Day with Freedom Fest in Niceville and make a difference in something bigger than yourself.